Helping your child

There are many things you can do to help your child overcome any stigma attached to bedwetting without making an issue out of it:


Be in the know

It's useful to learn all you can . Not only will this help you feel more in control, but you will also be able to answer your child's questions and help them understand what's happening. To hear the facts – particularly that this is a common phase that many children go through – will be a great comfort to them.


It’s common for bedwetting children to think they’re alone, and to experience feelings of worry. They may also want to hide the bedwetting from family members and friends, or try to avoid overnight stays away from home. Showing your child that you understand what they're going through will help avoid feelings of guilt and reassure them that they are supported.

Talk about it

Talking about bedwetting gets things out in the open and will help resolve negative feelings before they can cause further problems. Some children who wet the bed think they're failing their parents, so it's a big relief to them if you're sensitive about their feelings and happy to talk to them openly about all the issues around bedwetting. Provide encouragement

Night time accidents are bound to cause upset and worry. Your encouragement at this time will help reassure them and soothe any negative feelings. Helping them understand that it's not their fault is really important. Bedwetting is a common childhood issue and a supportive parent is often all a child needs to get over this hurdle.

Expert help

If you are worried about any aspect of your child's bedwetting, make an appointment with your doctor, school nurse or health visitor. There may also be an NHS continence adviser in your area who will be able to provide you with further information and support on treatment approaches. You can also let your child take the initiative if they feel like they want to do something about bedwetting.

DryNites® can also help. DryNites® Pyjama Pants provide effective protection against leaks so that your child can wake up dry. What's more, they are designed to look and feel just like regular underwear and can be used discreetly, helping to boost their confidence at bedtime.